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Saturday, 19 June 2010

Liz and Peter McDonald Wedding Photos

Way back in April... that already seems like several years ago... I created a wedding cake for Liz and Peter. We drew inspiration from Liz's bridal gown and the entire three tiers was covered with hand cut lace detail. They also opted for a bride and groom to top the cake and reflect their outfits on the day.

Liz has kindly sent me the photo above showing the happy couple cutting the cake. I have also included on of their group shots, which shows my little sis :-) She's the one standing next to her boyfriend Alex, who is the guy behind the vicar! Congratulations Liz and Peter, hope you are enjoying married life :-) xxxx

Friday, 11 June 2010

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, love them or hate them?

I LOVE THEM :-) But appreciate they are a bit of a marmite kinda thing. However, my partner in crime and fellow Reese's addict Donna suggested a cupcake version today and, feeling inspired I just had to have a tinker and see if I could pull it off.

The peanut butter buttercream, was an instant success, I just mixed peanut butter (smooth) with vanilla buttercream 1:2 parts and it's amazing I could eat it by the spoonful.

For the cupcakes I thought it would warrant a really chocolately sponge quite dense and toothsome, so I went for the chocolate part of the Hummingbird's blackbottom cupcakes, which are made with oil rather than butter and are really dense.

I topped the buttercream swirls with crushed peanut m&ms (didn't have any reese's pieces this was a spur of the moment thing) and the other half with crushed cupcake mixture, both work well and I'm not sure which I prefer, might just have to mix them both together? The gorgeous little cupcake toppers I can't take credit for they were a lovely surprise from my friend Jayne which arrived in yesterday's post.

I wish the blog had a tasting application, but you'll have to take my word for it... they are pretty damn good. I think the cupcake mixture could do with being slightly sweeter (it's quite a dark chocolate effect) but the texture works really well with the peanut butter buttercream. They are definitely on the list for the summer fair on the 3rd July. Any other suggestions most appreciated so far I'm thinking:

Peanut Butter and Chocolate

Strawberries and Cream

White Chocolate and Raspberry coulis

Melting Marshmallows

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Ruby Red

I'm a huge fan of Ruby Red Organic potions and lotions: Check this offer out while it lasts:

3 bath soaks for £22.50!


Firstly I had better apologise for a serious lack of posts in the last few weeks... Sorry! It has been more than a bit mad here for various reasons, the most relevant being researching and creating a business plan for Just Darling Cakes with a view to acquiring premises for a Design Studio (for the wedding and celebration cakes) and a CupCake Cafe. It's both exciting and terrifying and is in its infancy at the moment, the plan is still being drawn up. However, the downside is it very time consuming so I have neglected the blog slightly.

However, it hasn't been all work and no play, it was my Birthday last week and thanks to my fabulous friends we had a great night out in Leeds and lots of champagne cocktails :-) So thank you girls it was great fun!

It's most definitely back to work now though and I do promise to keep you more regularly updated on the business premises and general news. Thanks for bearing with me :-)