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Sunday, 22 August 2010

The Wow Factor

More and more brides come to me asking for something 'simple'... and I'm making an educated guess in thinking it has more to do with the economic climate than personal taste. However, as somebody who is creative I would much rather design a cake with wow factor than recreate a lack lustre chainstore/supermarket design and unless there is some painstaking and particularly time consuming detail the price is not going to shoot up astronomically.

Cake design is very hard to price, it's an expensive product to create if you use the best ingredients, and it's very time consuming, so cake designers generally price the raw ingredients, the utilities/overheads, and then decide how long the cake will take to create and charge an hourly fee. Once I have this price, I'm my own worst enemy in agreeing to do all sorts of extras to give the client the cake of their dreams to the detriment of my profit margin. However, I would much, much rather do this and deliver a cake which goes beyond expectations than give the client a cake that nobody remembers.

So I was incredibly excited by this evening's phonecall asking me to recreate my logo cake above for a 17th Birthday, the client was emphatic that she wanted a cake with real wow factor, something her daughter and her friends can oooh and ahhh over and that everyone will remember. I love it when my clients are really enthusiastic about their cakes and want something really special and different, there is nothing I love better than working on these kind of cakes.

So I guess what I'm saying is be demanding, test me see what you can get for your money Give me your ideas and your budget and see what I can do. I would much rather create the cake of your dreams that the one you assume you can afford.