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Sunday 18 April 2010

Just Darling Cakes in Vogue!!!!

I had a very exciting call a few weeks ago, it was the last day of March I remember it well as firstly if it had been a day later I would not have believed it was true and secondly I was sitting in a local play gym at the time surrounded by screaming children and it was all too sureal to contemplate! I actually missed the call and had to spend ages setting up my voicemail so I could even access the message (bit of a technical luddite I'm afraid), but eventually I got the message from Sarah Sach at Vogue and my jaw hit the floor. Sarah had seen one of my cakes on my website and thought it would be ideal for the editorial advertisment she was doing called Truly Scrumptious, focusing on the growing cupcake trend. It's only a small photo and and about 60 words of copy but it's sooooooo exciting I can't believe one of my cakes and not only that one I designed from scratch to be my logo, is going to appear in one of the most iconic magazines of all time! It will appear in the June issue which is on sale from 6th May! This is the cake that caught Sarah's eye:

(image courtesy of Mark Skeet Photography)

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