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Tuesday 27 April 2010

Laura's Ballerina... a work in progress

As I was setting up to make this ballerina and take step by step photos, my home economics teacher's words echoed in my head.... "she needs to work more methodically and keep her workspace tidy!" My teacher would be disappointed to hear that although I'm thoroughly hygienic I tend to get lost in a fog of corn flour and icing sugar and my work is anything but methodical and tidy, but hopefully the results compensate?
People often see my models and comment HOW??? So this is a kind of behind the scenes peek to see how they evolve...
I can't seem to post wording next to the photos so I'll list the points here in the order of the photos above:
Photo 1
This is the basic body shape and legs, crossed to resemble a sitting ballerina. At this stage the only detail are the edges of the ballet pumps. There is a cocktail stick through the body to help with the structure and support the head. The head is also very basic at this stage, with a nose and ears but only white cut outs for the eyes and a marked out mouth.
Photo 2
Here I am cutting the highlights for the eyes with a tiny number two icing tip, these will be left to harden and will be stuck onto the black pupils tomorrow.
Photo 3
The eyes have been given their first coat of food colouring and the eye lashes and eye brows have been painted on using a food colouring pen.
Photo 4
The ballerina now has a tutu and sparkly ballet pumps with criss cross elastic.
Both the body and head will be completed tomorrow and I will post finished pictures. I hope this gives a little insight into how these models are created and how much work goes into them.

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